Milk Depot

Through collaboration with the Mother’s Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes, Wildwood Family Clinic is Madison’s only Milk Collection Depot, where nursing mothers can safely donate their extra breast milk to help babies across Wisconsin thrive.

Breast milk donation banks fulfill an important role in the preservation of newborn life. Proper nutrition for newborns is a concern all across the world; milk banks serve to ease this concern by collecting breast milk donations to be processed into nutritional formulations. Donating breast milk is a simple and safe process that can help save the lives of babies in Neonatal Intensive Cares right here in our own community.

For more information, on becoming a milk donor please contact Katie K at (608) 839-3515.

Madison Office

4901 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI  53716

Phone:  608-221-1501
Fax:  608-223-3540

Cottage Grove Office
251 E. Cottage Grove Rd
Cottage Grove, WI  53527

Phone:  608-839-3515
Fax:  608-839-3541